Critical and Genetic Edition of Camilo Castelo Branco

Funding institution
Imprensa Nacional
Project PI
Ivo Castro


According to the agreement with Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, the team publishes the works by Camilo Castelo Branco in two series:

1) genetic editions whenever autographs or witnesses (such as some serialized and book form editions) documenting the textual genesis: Amor de Perdição and all the fiction MSS from Sintra, Seide and Porto Libraries.


2) critical editions when there is only a remaining edition or witnesses with no meaningful variants and  plain-text critical editions of texts with manuscript.


Published novels:

Amor de Perdição, genetic-critical edition by I.Castro, 2007.

Amor de Perdição, critical edition by I.Castro, 2012.

O Regicida, critical edition by A.Correia, 2013.

O Demónio do Ouro, critical edition by C.Sobral, 2014.

A Sereia, critical edition by Ângela Correia and Patrícia Franco, 2015.

Memórias do Cárcere, critical edition by Ivo Castro and Raquel Oliveira, 2016.

Novelas do Minho, critical edition by Ivo Castro and Carlota Pimenta, 2017.


Ongoing genetic editions

O RegicidaO Demónio do OuroNovelas do Minho,  A Caveira da Mártir.


Critical editions ready for publishing

Coração, Cabeça e Estômago, Morgado de Fafe Amoroso, Morgado de Fafe em Lisboa, História de Gabriel Malagrida.

Ongoing critical editions

A Caveira da Mártir, O Senhor do Paço de Ninães; Eusébio Macário; A Corja; A Brasileira de Prazins.