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Dialectology and Diachrony
Project Date
P.S. Post Scriptum -
Word Order and Word Order Change in Western European Language -
FLY - Forgotten Letters 1900-1974 -
Linguistic Cartography of Galicia and Portugal -
DUPLEX - Doubles and Expletives in European Portuguese Dialect Syntax -
CARDS - Unknown Letters -
VarV - Inflectional Variants of the Verb in Spoken Continental Portuguese
CORDIAL-SIN - Syntax-oriented Corpus of Portuguese Dialects -
Border languages: Mirandese
Elaboração e edição dos materiais do Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica
Thesaurus of Dialectal Portuguese
Network European Dialect Syntax
Por toda a parte - Uma certa história da língua portuguesa
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Grammar & Resources
Project Date
ParlaMint II -
Possession and Location: Microvariation in African Varieties of Portuguese (PALMA) -
RECAP: Resources for Portuguese Learning -
Documentation of Sri Lanka Portuguese -
LeCIEPLE - Learner Corpus: da investigação ao ensino de Português Língua Estrangeira/Língua Segunda -
Portuguese-based creoles of the Dravidian space: Diachrony and synchrony -
TAXE - Parataxis, Hypotaxis and Interface Syntax-Discourse -
COPAS - Contrast and Parallelism in Speech -
CLAP - Complement clauses in the Acquisition of Portuguese
SynExtract - automatic extraction of synonymy relations for a cost-effective acquisition of language resources -
SemiAutLex.PT - Semi-automatic construction of relational lexica for Portuguese -
As origens e o desenvolvimento de sociedades crioulas no Golfo da Guiné: um estudo interdisciplinar -
METANET4U - Enhancing the European Linguistic Infrastructure -
Dictionary PT-SK - Online Dictionary Portuguese-Slovak/Slovak-Portuguese -
WordNet.PTglobal – Lexical-Conceptual Network of Portuguese Varieties -
WordNet PortControl - CLG-Controlled Portuguese -