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Grammar & Resources
Project Date
PREPLEXOS - Complex Predicates: typology and corpus annotation -
Aquisição do Português Europeu: Recursos e Resultados Linguísticos -
SILC - Silent Constituents in the Grammar of Portuguese -
Properties of African Portuguese Varieties compared with European Portuguese
Linguistic Resources for the Study of the African Varieties of Portuguese
COMBINA-PT - Word Combinations in Portuguese Language
WordNet.PT - Lexical-Conceptual Network of Portuguese (II) -
LENCIC - A interface léxico-enciclopédia na construção de léxicos computacionais -
INQUER – Human-Computer Interaction in Natural Language -
UniNet.PT – Modelling of Lexical and Grammatical Knowledge of Portuguese for the integration in multilingual computational systems based on the UNL platform -
COMPGRAM - Computation of Lexicon and Grammar -
ENABLER - European National Activities for Basic Language Resources -
LexNet – Specification of Lexicalization Patterns for an extension of WordNet.PT -
C-ORAL-ROM - Integrated Reference Corpora for Spoken Romance Languages -
PROGRAM – Linguistic Processing Lab -
Language Resources for Portuguese: a corpus and tools for query and analysis
WordNet.PT – Lexical-Conceptual Network of Portuguese (I) -
Aspects of Teaching Portuguese Morphology and Syntax as Mother Tongue -
AUDIOLING-LP - Portuguese Language: Sound and Pronunciation -
Study of the Preposition DE Use and Meaning in Nominal Contexts -
Spoken Portuguese - Geographical and Social Varieties -
DCP - Combinatory Dictionary of Portuguese -
Fundamental Portuguese -
Multifunctional Computational Lexicon of Contemporary Portuguese
SIMPLE - Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica
Portuguese Language: Computer-aided teaching
ELAN - European Language Activity Network
REDIP - International Portuguese Broadcasting Network: radio, television and press
TagShare - Tagging and Shallow Morphosyntactic Processing Tools and Resources