Sonia Cyrino: On intervening negation in Brazilian Portuguese verbal periphrases
Seminários CLUL
Sala B112.C da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

A próxima sessão do Seminário CLUL decorrerá no próximo dia 15 de Janeiro, quarta-feira, entre as 16:00 e as 17:00, em formato presencial, na sala B112.C 

Título: On intervening negation in Brazilian Portuguese verbal periphrases 

Resumo: In this talk, I will present an ongoing investigation discussing data from Brazilian Portuguese, in which negation appears in the slot [Aux_V]. First, I will present the data and compare it with seemingly similar intervening negation in Italian and Catalan. I will then discuss a recent proposal for the structure of auxiliaries and non-finite verbs in BP relating it to verb movement and, finally, I will propose an analysis to account for the data addressed in this presentation.