- 2500 resultados encontrados
(2021). Temporal marking and (in)accessibility in Capeverdean. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018 (selected papers). Amsterdam: John Benjamins - Current Issues in Linguistic Theory series. http://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1075/cilt.357.12pra . |
(2021). Multicultural classroom discourse dataset on teachers’ and students’ dialogic empathy. Data In Brief, 39. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2021.107518 . |
(2021). Early-life education may help bolster declarative memory in old age, especially for women. Aging, Neuropsychology, And Cognition, 28, 218-252. http://doi.org/10/gg3n33 . |
(2021). Communicative gestures in 7–12‐month infants: A phylogenetic comparative approach. Infant And Child Development. http://doi.org/10.1002/icd.2262 . |
(2021). Dados de escrita de crianças de escolas portuguesas: vogais não acentuadas. Revista De Linguagem E Ensino, 24, Nº 4, Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil, 775-798. http://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15210/rle.v24i4.21270 . |
(2021). The communicative functions of metaphors between explanation and persuasion. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy and Psychology (Vol. 27). http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56437-7_12 . |
(2021). Some thoughts on (the acquisition of) control. In L1 Acquisition and L2 Learning. The view from Romance. (L. Avram, A. Sevcenco & V. Tomescu (eds.), pp. 84-107). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. http://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1075/lald.65.04san . |
(2021). The interaction of grammatically distinct agreement dependencies in predictive processing. Language, Cognition And Neuroscience, 36, 1159-1179. http://doi.org/10/gj2n7z . |
(2021). Predicational encoding in Upper Guinea linguistic area. Revista Do Gel, 18(3), 191-218. http://doi.org/10.21165/gel.v18i3.3167 . |
(2021). The copula cycle in Kriol. Journal Of Historical Syntax 5, (12), 1-27. . |
(2021). BLC mini-series: New statistical approaches and research practices for bilingualism research. Bilingualism: Language And Cognition, 799-800. http://doi.org/10/grn9 . |
(2021). Analysis of rating scales: A pervasive problem in bilingualism research and a solution with Bayesian ordinal models. Bilingualism: Language And Cognition, 842-848. http://doi.org/10/gtgn . |
(2021). Evidence that ageing yields improvements as well as declines across attention and executive functions. Nature Human Behaviour. http://doi.org/10/gmh3bj . |
(2021). Statutory interpretation: Pragmatics and argumentation. Cambridge University Press. . |
(2021). A syntactic account of resultative variation. In 23rd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (pp. 217-229). Seoul: Hankook Munhwasa. . |
(2021). What is difficult in second language acquisition of syntax. In 12th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics (ExLing2021) (pp. 253-256). Athens, Greece: ExLing Society. http://doi.org/10.36505/ExLing-2021/12/0064/000537 . |
(2021). On the acquisition of European Portuguese liquid consonants by L1-Mandarin learners. In Multilingualism and third language acquisition (Jorge Pinto & Nélia Alexandre, pp. 25-45). Language Science Press, Berlin. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4449767 . |
(2021). L2 speech learning of European Portuguese /l/ and /ɾ/ by L1-Mandarin learners: Experimental evidence and theoretical modelling. Language Acquisition, 1-2. http://doi.org/10.1080/10489223.2021.1952591 . |
(2021). LextPT: A reliable and efficient vocabulary size test for L2 Portuguese proficiency. Behavior Research Methods. http://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01731-1 . |
(2020). Grammar Teaching 91-19: An analysis of the Portuguese curricula. L1 - Educational Studies In Language And Literature. Retrieved from https://l1research.org/issue/view/51 . |
(2020). The Acquisition of Implicit Control in European Portuguese. In New Trends in Language Acquisition Within the Generative Perspective (pp. 219-238). Springer Netherlands. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-1932-0_9 . |
(2020). Automatização no diagnóstico de nível de língua: anotação e versatilidade dos recursos para PLE. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 7, 1-20. http://doi.org/10.26334/2183-9077/rapln7ano2020a1 . |
(2020). Ritmo e peso silábico na constituição das palavras prosódicas do protocrioulo do Golfo da Guiné. Entrepalavras, 10(1), 210. http://doi.org/10.22168/2237-6321-11722 . |
(2020). Infrastructure for the Science and Technology of Language PORTULAN CLARIN. In LREC 2020 Worskhop IWLTP 2020 – 1st International Workshop on Language Technology Platforms (pp. 1-7). ELRA. . |
(2020). A relatinização do português: problemas e desafios. In Temas da Língua Portuguesa: do Pluricentrismo à Didática. Roma: Nuova Cultura. . |
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