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- Ano: 2017, 2004
- Tipo de referência: Artigo em Atas
- 25 resultados encontrados
- (-) Artigo em Atas
- (-) 2017
- (-) 2004
(2017). A lexical database for the analysis of Portuguese MWE. In Proceedings of EUROPHRAS – Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology. . |
(2017). The Interact Project and Crisis MT. In Proceedings of MT Summit XVI, the 16th Machine Translation Summit. . |
(2017). Using error annotation to evaluate machine translation and human post-editing in a business environment. In 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation – EAMT 2017 (pp. 68-73). Praga, República Checa. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c9d2/8db57b3cedfd75a2fe694dcc59ba8caf7029.pdf . |
(2017). Error detection and error correction for improving quality in machine translation and human post-editing. In 20th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics – CICLing 2017, reprinted in International Journal of Computer Applications. Retrieved from https://repositorio.ul.pt/bitstream/10451/33007/1/error%20detection_Comparin%26Mendes2017.pdf . |
(2017). Competências linguísticas de estudantes de artes visuais e tecnologias à entrada do ensino superior. In Atas do 12º Encontro Nacional da Associação de Professores de Português: Língua e literatura na escola do século XXI. . |
(2017). Executive Functioning in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Cognitive and Affective Aspects. In Proceedings of International Conference Cognitive Neuroscience of Executive Functions (Vol. 118). Padua, Italy. http://doi.org/10. 23737/CNEF2017 . |
(2017). The influence of executive function on prosodic performance. In Proceedings of International Conference Cognitive Neuroscience of Executive Functions (Vol. 96). . |
(2017). The Annotation Coreference Task at IberEval’2017: The experience of CLUL/UE. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Evaluation of Human Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IberEval’2017), co-located with 33rd Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2017). Murcia, Spain. . |
(2017). Nunes, N. (2017). O Caso de Emigração para a Venezuela de José Nunes de Freitas Pereira: Entrevistas a Migrantes para Construção da sua História de Vida. In Da Nona Ilha na Venezuela. Actas do Colóquio “As Mobilidades no Espaço e no Tempo. Funchal: Direção Regional da Cultura, Secretaria Regional do Turismo e Cultura. . |
(2017). La langue au fil du temps dans l’espace ibérique. Les chartes de franchise portugaises basées sur le fuero de Salamanca (XIIe-XIIIe siècle). In Actes du VIIe Congrès du Comité International de Latin Médiéval: Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the International Medieval Latin Commitee (pp. 545-56). Genève: Librairie Droz. . |
(2017). Vowel epenthesis in children’s oral and written productions of consonante clusters. In Language Acquisition at the Interfaces: Proceedings of Gala 2015 (J. Choi, H. Demirdache and O. Lungu and L. Voeltzel, pp. 270-286). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. . |
(2017). A semi-supervised learning approach for acoustic-prosodic personality perception in under-resourced domains. In Interspeech. . |
(2017). Prosodic exercises for children with ASD via virtual therapy. In Supera 2017. . |
(2017). A inter(in) compreensão de palavras diferentes e de palavras iguais nas variedades do Português de Portugal e do Brasil. In Pelos Mares da Língua Portuguesa 3. Aveiro: UA Editora. . |
(2004). The Nominal Domain in Santome. In Los Criollos de Base Ibérica: ACBLPE 2003 (M. Fernández & N. Vázquez, pp. 85-100). Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana e Vervuert. . |
(2004). Um exemplo de sandhi consonântico variável em português. In Actas do XIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (pp. 257-268). Lisboa. . |
(2004). Providing on-line access to Portuguese language resources: corpora and lexicons. In Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC2004, May 26-28 2004, Lisbon, Centro de Cultural de Belém (pp. 1825-1828). . |
(2004). A antiga documentação de Portugal. In Actas do XIX Encontro Anual da Associaçáo Portuguesa de Linguística,. APL. . |
(2004). The vowel [ɨ] in the acquisition of European Portuguese. In J. van Kampen & Baauw, S. (Eds.), GALA 2003 (pp. 163-174). Utrecht: LOT. . |
(2004). The acquisition of the Prosodic Word in European Portuguese. In Second Lisbon Meeting on Language Acquisition. Lisboa. . |
(2004). Elementos polares na periferia direita: negação aparentemente descontínua, afirmação enfática e tags. In Tiago Freitas & Amália Mendes (orgs.), Actas do XIX encontro nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 465-476. Lisboa: APL. . |
(2004). A vibrante em coda no português europeu. In Actas do XIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (pp. 289-299). Lisboa. . |
(2004). Coordenação Frásica vs. Subordinação Adverbial. In Actas do XIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (Freitas, T.; Mendes, A., pp. 555-567). Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de Linguistica. Retrieved from https://apl.pt/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/2003-45.pdf . |
(2004). L’analyse des questions: intérêts pour la génération des réponses. In Workshop Question-Réponse à la Conférence TALN 2004 (Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel) (pp. 413-422). Fez, Marrocos. (Original work published 2004) . |
(2004). O Cancioneiro ideal de D. Carolina», O Cancioneiro da Ajuda, Cen Anos Despois. In Actas do Congreso realizado pela Dirección Xeral de Promoción Cultural en Santiago de Compostela e na Illa de San Simón (pp. 13-40). Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia. . |
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